364 research outputs found

    New Blind Muti-signature Schemes based on ECDLP

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    In various types of electronic transactions, including election systems and digital cash schemes, user anonymity and authentication are always required. Blind signatures are considered the most important solutions to meeting these requirements. Many studies have focused on blind signature schemes; however, most of the studied schemes are single blind signature schemes. Although blind multi-signature schemes are available, few studies have focused on these schemes. In this article, blind multi-signature schemes are proposed based on the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP). The proposed schemes are based on the GOST R34.10-2012 digital signature standard and the EC-Schnorr digital signature scheme, and they satisfy blind multi-signature security requirements and have better computational performance than previously proposed schemes. The proposed schemes can be applied in election systems and digital cash schemes

    Human Capital: Parental Aspirations, Ethnic Differences and Crime

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    This thesis comprises three empirical papers. Using various econometric techniques, each paper examines different aspects of human capital. These aspects vary from determinants of human capital to heterogeneity in human capital, and to non-economic benefit of human capital. The objective of this thesis is to obtain a better understanding about issues related human capital and education in developing countries, in particular Indonesia and Vietnam. The first research paper examines the role of parental academic aspirations for a child in determining the allocation of the child’s time. Parental academic aspirations are included in a theoretical model of household utility maximization to assess how they affect the child’s optimal time allocation. Then, an empirical analysis is conducted to verify the effect of parental aspirations on a child’s hours of study and work by using data from the 2006 and 2014 Vietnam Young Lives Survey. The instrumental variable approach is adopted to address a problem related to the simultaneity of decision making process and endogeneity of parental aspirations. Both the theoretical and empirical results show that parental academic aspirations are positively associated with the child’s hours of study and negatively associated with the child’s hours of work. The second research paper seeks to understand the reasons for the ethnic gaps in education outcomes, measured by enrolment rate, schooling progress and test scores, in Vietnam. The examination employs Probit and multilevel regression models, and associated decomposition techniques. The estimation results suggest that the factors mainly driving the poor performance at school of minority children are not their own internal attributes, but disadvantages related to the external determinants. The decomposition results show that the gap in enrolment is mostly explained by household characteristics. However, all child, household and commune attributes significantly contribute to the gap in schooling progress. The test score gaps are attributable to a broader set of variables such as parent’s education, the use of the Vietnamese language, peer and school characteristics. The third paper identifies the causal effect of education on property crime at the district level in Indonesia over the period 2007–2012. Both dynamics of crime and endogeneity of education are taken into accounted by applying difference generalized method of moments. The results show that more educated neighbourhoods experience less crime. Secondary and higher education play a particularly important role in crime reduction. Effects are more pronounced for crimes reported by males than females. One mechanism seems to be that there are fewer opportunities for engaging in criminal behaviour when one is in school. Extreme poverty appears to weaken the extent to which education reduces crime

    Miko Team: Deep Learning Approach for Legal Question Answering in ALQAC 2022

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    We introduce efficient deep learning-based methods for legal document processing including Legal Document Retrieval and Legal Question Answering tasks in the Automated Legal Question Answering Competition (ALQAC 2022). In this competition, we achieve 1\textsuperscript{st} place in the first task and 3\textsuperscript{rd} place in the second task. Our method is based on the XLM-RoBERTa model that is pre-trained from a large amount of unlabeled corpus before fine-tuning to the specific tasks. The experimental results showed that our method works well in legal retrieval information tasks with limited labeled data. Besides, this method can be applied to other information retrieval tasks in low-resource languages

    The role of environmental, social, and governance responsibilities and economic development on achieving the SDGs: evidence from BRICS countries

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    Sustainable development goal (SDG) achievement has gained increasing trend due to the current economic uncertainty that demands the attention of scholars, practitioners, and regulators. Hence, the study examines the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) responsibilities and economic development such as economic growth, net national income and FDI on the SDG achievements in BRICS countries. The secondary data is considered for the study which was collected from various resources like SDG reports published by the united nation and World Bank Indicators (WDI) from 1991 to 2020. The current research has checked them without structural breaks stationarity using Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, Phillips–Perron (PP) test, and Kwiatkowski–Phillips–Schmidt–Shin (KPSS), while stationarity with structural breaks has been examined using the ‘zivot-andrews’ test. The study also employed the ARDL technique to verify the association among the constructs. The findings revealed that ESG responsibilities, economic growth, net national income, FDI, and inflation positively correlate with SDG achievements in BRICS countries. This article provides help to the regulators while making policies related the SDG achievemen

    Blind multi-signature scheme based on factoring and discrete logarithm problem

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    One of the important objectives of information security systems is providing authentication of the electronic documents and messages. In that, blind signature schemes are an important solution to protect the privacy of users in security electronic transactions by highlighting the anonymity of participating parties. Many studies have focused on blind signature schemes, however, most of the studied schemes are based on single computationally difficult problem. Also digital signature schemes from two difficult problems were proposed but the fact is that only finding solution to single hard problem then these digital signature schemes are breakable. In this paper, we propose a new signature schemes base on the combination of the RSA and Schnorr signature schemes which are based on two hard problems: IFP and DLP. Then expanding to propose a single blind signature scheme, a blind multi-signature scheme, which are based on new baseline schemes

    The impact of recentralisation on FDI : evidence from a quasi-natural experiment

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    This research is funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under Grant No. 502.02-2020.09.Although decentralised governance has been one of the most salient political regimes worldwide over the past few decades, many countries have started to realise various shortcomings associated with their decentralisation process. As a consequence, a number of central governments have attempted to pursue recentralisation reforms in order to reclaim authority from the localities. This government reform can lead to significant changes in institutional arrangements, and subsequently, may influence various aspects of socio-economic activities. However, the real impact of recentralisation reform still remains ambiguous. In this paper, we examine how recentralisation may affect foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. We exploit the pilot recentralisation reform that temporarily abolished the intermediate legislative branches in some provinces in Vietnam as a quasi-natural experiment. The result shows that recentralisation leads to a significant reduction in FDI inflows. Our results are robust to a number of sensitivity analyses and falsification tests. Overall, our findings contribute to the literature on the determinants of FDI and provide new evidence on the real effect of recentralisation reform.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Understanding the Intention to Use the Grab Service in Ho Chi Minh City

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    The primary objective of this study was to identify the factors that influence Grab’s intention to use its services in Ho Chi Minh City and assess the impact of these factors. The ultimate goal was to provide appropriate recommendations to enhance Grab’s services. The study involved 200 participants from Ho Chi Minh City. To achieve this objective, a quantitative research method was employed, and several analytical techniques were used, including reliability testing using Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and regression. The analysis results revealed three factors that significantly influence the intention to use Grab services, ranked in descending order of influence: (1) Perceived Usefulness, (2) Price Value, and (3) Alternative Vehicles. These factors play a significant role in shaping customers’ intentions to use Grab’s services. The study acknowledges its limitations and suggests future research directions for similar studies to further explore and refine the understanding of customer behavior in the ride-hailing industry. Keywords: intention, service quality, perceived usefulness, prive value, alternative vehicle
